Rotary Cutter & Cutting Mat Maintenance
Watch Lisa do some preventive maintenance on the rotary cutter. With a simple to follow method to take apart your cutter clean and oil the parts for that smooth operation and consistent cutting. Lisa explains how she uses a blade and then uses it for additional crafting ideas while maintaining her quilting rotary cutter for fabrics. Your rotary cutter works amazing well on a cutting mat but their very sharp blades make marks and grooves on the mat that collect fabric threads and lint as well as dirt. Using a quick and easy process follow Lisa as she cleans the lint and then washes her cutting mat. You'll be surprised the visible difference a couple of minutes of cleaning makes. See the new look mat.
This was a video from a customer suggestion. If you have any ideas, send your suggestions for How To's Day video to Lisa. lisa@loriscountrycottage.com
One summer the Team at Lori's Country Cottage were challenged to come up with their most useful tools in their quilting repertoire.