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Mini Alphabet Series Sew Along

Mini Alphabet Workshop Sign Ups Closes TODAY!

Blocks by Amanda, @simplyquiltyme

In celebration of the new Mini Alphabet Pattern, Alison, Giuseppe, and the AG Team are hosing the Mini Alphabet Workshop and Sew Along! This Sew Along includes a video workshop component to add more fun, learning, and support!

One of the biggest pieces of feedback The AG Team received from the last Mini Series sew alongs was that participants wished there was a tutorial or workshop to demonstrate the tiny piecing process. The AG Team  heard you loud and clear! They  are very excited to be able to bring you a workshop to accompany the upcoming sew along. While they use the new Mini Alphabet to demo the project, the process is the same for all of our Mini Series patterns. So if you have wanted to learn about their tiny piecing techniques, this is the workshop for you!

Mini Alphabet in Handcrafted and Insignia by Amanda, @simplyquiltyme original pattern blocks by Giuseppe, @giucygiuce

Don't forget to grab your pattern and fabric below!